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Life Groups

We believe we were designed to live in community, so we have many different groups available to help you get connected at Riverside.

Life Groups are designed to help you connect with others and to grow together in faith and encourage one another. Typically they are relationships & discussion-based, but we also have some groups that are more geared toward a “deep dive” into your faith. If you are looking for connection, Life Groups are where you want to be, so check out what we have available for you!

What do I need to do?

1. Select a Group that interests you.
2. Click the sign-up link to let us know you’re interested.
3. Go and have fun while meeting new friends.

Browse Groups

“Before We Gather” Worship

Time & Location: 3rd Tuesdays at 19:00 @ RCB

Who: Anyone with a desire for worship, to be prepared for serving and participating in church. RCB Worship Team and Dream Team are especially encouraged to attend!

Contact: Kate K. Email

About the Group: “Before We Gather” Worship Life Group is a monthly book study focusing on the heart behind the reasons we gather together for worship. We will meet on the 3rd Tuesday of every month to read this devotional together giving inspiration for each service. This new life group is open to anyone with a desire for worship and to be prepared to serve and participate in church. RCB Worship Team and Dream Team are especially encouraged to attend!

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

Time & Location: TBD

Who: TBD

Contact: Gergö and Ana B. Email

About the Group: TBD

Budapest Adventures

Time & Location: Various locations, dates, and times

Who: Anyone who enjoys outside activities

Contact: Jeremy and Jamie F.

About the Group: 

Come hang out and connect with others in the great outdoors! This life-group will meet at various locations, dates, and times. There will be a mix of low-key events, such as meeting at a park, and more adventurous activities, such as hiking.

This group is open to all, no matter your age! Most of the activities will be accessible by public transportation, so all can attend. This is a great opportunity to invite your friends (believers or secular). Let’s live out our faith in creation as we build community with each other and our Creator!

By design you can attend all our events, or only the ones that suit you. To join our WhatsApp Community, or get more information, please fill out this form.


Looking forward to adventuring with you!

Sign up link

En Espanol “Los del Camino”

Time & Location: Fridays from 19:00 – 21:00 @ Distrito 8

Who: Native Spanish Speakers.

Contact: Iván I. and Samanta A | Email

About the Group: Este grupo esta abierto para todos los hispanohablantes viviendo en Budapest y con deseos de crecer en la fe, compartiendo en comunidad latino americana.

En Espanol for Women: “Mujeres conforme al corazón de Jesús”

Time & Location: Monthly, TBD

Who: Female Native Spanish Speakers

Contact: Samanta A | Email

About the Group: Este Grupo de Vida reúne a mujeres de diferentes edades que pueden crear una conexión a través de conversaciones abiertas y devocionales personales y grupales. Es una oportunidad para crecer en el conocimiento de Jesús y su carácter con la intención de ser cada día más como Él.Este Grupo de Vida reúne a mujeres de diferentes edades que pueden crear una conexión a través de conversaciones abiertas y devocionales personales y grupales. Es una oportunidad para crecer en el conocimiento de Jesús y su carácter con la intención de ser cada día más como Él.

H2O Youth

Time & Location: Fridays twice a month @ Riverside (email for dates)

Who: Middle & High School Students

Contact: Drew and Anika S. | Email

About the Group: H2O Youth Budapest is a youth ministry out of Riverside Church and our mission is to give youth a community to have fun and experience Jesus. H2O is open to all Middle and High School Students living in the Budapest area. The group is led by Drew and Anika Scott who work with a team of volunteers to equip middle & high school students to live a life for Christ.

Men’s Alliance

Time & Location: Wednesdays 18:00 – 19:00 @ Függetlenségi Park

Who: Men aged 18+

Contact: Drew S. Email

About the Group:

Men’s Alliance is a TRIBE of men who meet weekly for RUGGED outdoor workouts and have REAL WORLD devotionals around a fire. In Men’s Alliance we will push each other physically and spiritually, to become the husbands, fathers, and leaders God called us to be! Men’s Alliance meets every Wednesday evening from 1800-1900 at. If you are a man who is age 18 and older we would love to see you out there! You are not alone; we invite you to come and be a part of BRAVEHEART TRIBE as we strive to become the men God has called us to be.

Men’s Alliance Facebook Group | Men’s Alliance Website

Men’s Accountability Group

Time & Location: Thursdays 19:00 – 20:30 @ RCB

Who: Men of RCB that are over 18 years of age, or with permission from their parents.

Contact: Quan G. & David C. Email

About the Group: We are hosting a Men’s Accountability Group on Thursday evenings from 19:00 to 20:30 at RCB. This will be 12 sessions focused on helping men find freedom from pornography and other unwanted sexual behaviors. Satan is using porn to steal people’s joy, kill intimacy, and destroy marriages. However, we believe God is using the process of overcoming porn as an opportunity for revival and growth!

Moms of Little Ones

Time & Location: 10:30 – 12:30 on the following Saturdays:
Sept. 28, Oct. 19, Nov. 2

Who: Any mom who is pregnant or has kids aged 5 and under.

Contact: Anika S. Email

About the Group: Moms of Little Ones is a life group for any mom who is pregnant or has kids aged 5 and under. We will gather one Saturday each month for fellowship, food, and an encouraging word. Please be sure to sign up by visiting This Link. FREE childcare is available. We can’t wait to see you there and feel free to bring a friend!


Time & Location: Mondays 1900 @ RCB

Who: This group is open to all our Riverside Family

Contact: Matyas K. | Email

About the Group: Here at RCB we believe in the power of prayer. It is through prayer that we invite God to join in life’s struggles. We understand that wisdom requires us to live a life of dependence upon the Holy Spirit. Prayer is our outward expression of our reliance on God and inward need for Him to intervene in our lives, church, city, and nation!

Prophecy and Festivals 

Time & Location: Fridays at 19:00 @District 2

Who: This group is open to all our Riverside Family.

Contact: Alan and Kriszti G. | Email

About the Group: This fall we’ll be dealing specifically with the Fall Feasts and how these foretold the Coming, Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus.

**This Life Group is currently at max capacity.**

Real Love

Time & Location: Saturdays twice a month. 9:30-12:00 @ Riverside

Who: Families, Married or Engaged Couples

Contact: Tocho & Ani T. Email

About the Group: Every family goes through different phases in life. Sometimes we think that only we have a hard time. However, the truth is that every marriage has its high and low moments. This group is designed in a way so that everyone can share or just hear advice from others.

Riverside Young Adults Community

Time & Location: Wednesday nights 18:00 – 20:30, locations TBD. Follow our Facebook or Instagram for updates.

Who: This group is for university students and young adults.

Contact: Sean and Jess M. | Email

RYA – Facebook | Instagram

About the Group: Riverside Young Adults is a culturally diverse, English-speaking community of young adults in the heart of Budapest. You are welcome to join us and learn more about who we are and what we believe. More info can be found on our FB & IG (linked above). We also meet throughout the week for other activities, events, and programs. This is all communicated in the RYA WhatsApp Community (scan QR code at welcome table at church to join!) (linked above).

Spontaneous Worship

Time & Location: Once a month on Friday at 19:00 @ RCB

Who: Anyone

Contact: Emmanuel U. Email

About the Group: Where friends come together for spontaneous worship, increased spiritual growth, and deeper connections in a joyful environment.


Time & Location: 1st & 3rd Wednesdays, 18:30 – 19:30 @ RCB

Who: All Women

Contact: Shannon T. Email

About the Group: A Bible study and fellowship for women to grow together, empower one another, and raise each other up. Proverbs 27:17

Tuesday Night Bible Study

Time & Location: Tuesdays at 19:00 @ RCB

Who: Anyone

Contact: Bill Chappel Email

About the Group: TBD

Young Professionals

Time & Location: Bi-monthly Saturday nights 19:00-20:30 @ RCB, other event locations TBA.

Who: Anyone who is aged 25-ish to 40-ish.

Contact: Brian & Olena W., Jonah M. & Lillian K., Michael & Taiwo O., Kathy P., and Bill & Melissa Chappel Email

About the Group: Riverside Young Professionals is a culturally diverse, English-speaking group of adults. It is the desire of this community of believers to grow together as we learn how to engage our coworkers and friends with the truth of the Gospel. During our gatherings we connect with one another through fun, fellowship and faith-based Bible teaching. Please join us and see what the LORD has for you!

Veritas Journey

Time & Location: TBD

Who: Anyone

Contact: Bill Chappel Email

About the Group: Have you wanted to read through the Bible or encourage others to do it? Here is your opportunity! Join us online for the Veritas Journey. By using the YouVersion Bible app, we have the convenience of accessing the Bible reading plan wherever we are and at any time. This allows us to stay connected and engaged with our daily readings and reflections on God’s Word. Through our discussions and sharing of insights, we can gain a deeper understanding of the messages God has for each of us personally. Each day you will simply read the daily passages and check off that you did it. However, if you would like to go at your own pace, that’s fine too. Our prayer is that you will be in the Word daily. So please join us for the Veritas Journey and see how the dynamic, life-changing Word of God changes your life!

Wednesday Fellowship

Time & Location: Wednesdays 19:00 – 20:30 @RCB

Who: Men & Women

Contact: Sarah A. & Minah J. Email

About the Group: Using the Word of God, we empower ourselves to be vigilant and sober to deal with present and future battles in faith. We enjoy fellowship and discuss in depth the Word of God and how to apply it better to our lives. This group is a safe place to develop our callings, to learn from one another and offer one another support through prayer and other ways we can.

Women of Valor

Time & Location: Thursdays 19:00 @ RCB

Who: Adult women of RCB

Contact: Paulina M. Email

About the Group: If you would like to connect with a Christ-centered community of men and women or experience lasting change in your life, Women of Valor is for you! Valor Discipleship programs are designed to use 9 tools in 9 months to help you grow your faith through small group accountability.

If you are interested in hosting a life group, please email us at