Online Giving

Tithes & Offerings

Thank you for supporting Riverside Church Budapest through your giving. You are helping to Share Christ, Serve Others, & Change the World with the hope of the Good News. You can always give in person during the offering times during the Sunday service or in the box located in the RCB Cafe. Or we have several quick, easy, & secure ways to give.

Bank Transfer - HUF

Riverside Church Budapest

Budapest 1113, Karolina út 17.

1040 9015 0003 3144 0000 0007


IBAN: HU12 1040 9015 0003 3144 0000 0007



Bank Transfer - Euro

Riverside Church Budapest

Budapest 1113, Karolina út 17.

1040 9015 5052 6950 7180 1010


IBAN: HU75 1040 9015 5052 6950 7180 1010


Giving for US Citizens/Residents

This section is for Americans who need a tax receipt for reporting their tithes/offerings as tax-deductible charitable giving. Donations given by these means will receive a tax receipt from the Assemblies of God USA. 

Online Giving

Online Donations for Americans desiring a tax receipt. 

Our secured give webpage is operated through the Assemblies of God USA website & can be accessed by clicking the button below. All donations through the site must be given in US dollars by credit card or Pay-Pal. For bank transfers see the section above.

Mailing Checks

For US checks, please mail your donations to:

AGWM / #3AA710-9

1445 North Boonville Ave

Springfield, MO 65802 USA

Please write in the memo of the check: RCB #3AA710-9.

Thank you so much for your support!